Preparation of doses to be administered (PDA)

La préparation des doses à administrer (PDA)

Preparing doses to administer (PDA) consists of preparing patient treatments in pill bottles or dose sachets according to the doctor's prescription.

This task is generally assigned to the pharmacist who dispenses the medications.

This task is also often carried out by the nurse, the caregiver or the patient themselves when they can.


This personalized preparation is carried out in advance and for a specific period. Each pill box contains cells allowing you to identify the times of taking (for example morning, noon, evening, bedtime) and the day of the week, so that the patient no longer forgets or makes mistakes when taking their treatment. , thus avoiding drug iatrogenesis and improving therapeutic compliance.

PDA can be carried out for chronic patients at home or for medical establishments, such as EHPADs (accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people) in France for example.

The MEDIPAC single-use weekly pill dispenser is the safest for patients at home or in an establishment.

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